Saturday, August 27, 2005

January 19, 2005

January Slowdown...
Even though I'm busier than ever, I feel like I've slowed down, maybe because the frantic Christmas rush is over? Instead, I have other tasks that got put on hold as I enjoyed Christmas. I didn't leave work until after 5 pm yesterday since MEB was down in the Valley. Still, I came home with a purpose. I intended to work on finishing up the bags and also sneak in some computer time to do the promotional graphics material - bookmarks, magnets and a poster for a friend. This is for a writer buddy who doesn't have a big promotional budget yet (grin). The time will come when she will, but for the moment, I'm her promotional and marketing expert (don't be scared, I know how to do both, I used to work at Sears (grin)). So, I got the bookmarks done, got the poster to my liking (and hers) and did the business card-sized front piece for the magnets. After manipulating graphics, toolbar rulers and the usual cut and paste, I then settled in to print a goodly amount to pack off to her publisher for the promotion happening in a few weeks. Alas! Alack! I am out of black AND cyan ink in my printer! How can this BE???? I just bought some what...oh....months ago! But, it is so and I could not print a darned thing. I sent it to hubby's printer with a big sigh. And oh, no!!! Yep, HE was out of color ink! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!I need to add getting ink to my list of Things To Do. Sigh. In other news, I was a lazy bum today, I came home from work and took a little nap rather than trying to finish any of my tasks. I was awakened by a phone call...sadly, my Aunt Peggy passed away this afternoon. This is the second death in the family this month. Richard's Uncle Ted passed away on January 1. Both deaths were sort of expected, but the shock is still there. Uncle Ted was 93, Aunt Peggy had cancer. With all this sad news, we also had good news - a new little nephew was born January 8. Deaths and births, the cycle of our family goes on. Off to get dinner and feed the dogs!

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