Got Romance! Reviews
Title: Faith
Author: Merry K. Stahel
Publisher: White Rose Publishing
Publication Date: 2010
Genre: Contemporary
Length: 29 pages
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Rating: 5 Diamonds
Heat Level: Sweet
Reviewer: Starla Kaye
Date: 4-17-10
Afraid of losing the only person left who loves her, Faith follows her widowed mother-in-law to a new home. But God has plans for Faith...plans that include a new love, hope, and a future. Can Faith open her bruised and hurting heart to allow a loving God and a loving man back in?
What a wonderful modernization of the story of Ruth! All of the characters are well-developed and the storyline tender and loving.
Faith lost the man she believed to be the one love of her life and struggled with getting past the pain and with trusting in God right after the accident. But God didn’t give up on her for hurting and for blocking him out for a short time. He was patient with her and loved her enough to help her heal. His stand beside her helped her find a way out of what had happened, and guided her to find another special man.
Ben was a wonderfully, caring man. He believed in God and saw the uniqueness, the warmness of the young widowed wife of his cousin. Watching their relationship develop was touching. I especially liked Ben’s thoughts of “tell God thanks. Thanks for guiding Faith to us. I will love her and cherish her, your gift to me, my gift to you.”
This was a very short read, but well worth the time.
Sweetly Reviewed
Story: 9.5
Presentation: 9.5
Total: 19
Publisher: White Rose Publishing
Inspirational Romance
To Purchase
Blurb: Afraid of losing the only person left who loves her, Faith follows her widowed mother-in-law to a new home. But God has plans for Faith...plans that include a new love, hope, and a future. Can Faith open her bruised and hurting heart to allow a loving God and a loving man back in?
Review: Every so often I get the pleasure of reviewing a story that is so powerful, so well written and so wonderful that I am in awe when it is over. This is one of those.
With emotion so powerful and raw that it left me gasping. I was able to connect, to feel, to experience this passionate tale of love, moving on and taking another chance on happiness and love. Ahhh. Yes Ms Stahel has done a wonderful job and I have full intents on see her name on may more stories on my computer screen for a long time to come. ~ Posted by romancereader at 9:46 AM
CK2's Kwips And Kritiques
Merry K. Stahel
ISBN: None Assigned
March 2010
White Rose Publishing
Short Inspirational Fiction/Contemporary Romance
Faith is still dealing with the loss of her husband, her brother-in-law and her father-in-law when she finds out that her mother-in-law, Dulcie, plans to move back to her hometown in Colorado. Faith, an orphan, clings to Dulcie as her only remaining family and begs to come along. Once there, they can both seek a new beginning as they work to discover how to live without their beloved husbands.
Faith is a creative retelling in a contemporary setting of the ancient Book of Ruth in the Bible. Even though we suspect how the story will unfold, Stahel’s delightful characterizations of Faith, Dulcie and Ben engage and enchant the reader who finds herself equally enthralled with the contemporary love story just as she was the ancient one between Ruth and Boaz.
The short format of Faith limits the time that we have with Ben and Faith, and I, for one, was not ready to let them go even though we were allowed a brief peek at the promise of their future happiness through the Epilogue. I also wish we had more time with Dulcie. Such a strong, loving lady deserves her whole story to be explored as well. Excellent story. I’ll be watching for more from this author in the future.