We've had an eventful 2016 summer, autumn, and winter - family came to visit from Germany, we made trips to Branson, Washington DC (twice) and Oklahoma (twice), got a new roof on the house (hail damage), finally moved into the 21rst century by getting a cell phone, bought a new truck, and continued our day-to-day lives. Pa and Richard did spend a few days in the hospital in November, but all is well now with both of them. One kid was able to come for Christmas, but the other got snowed in, so we'll visit later this year.
For those of you who sent Christmas cards, but didn't get one from us in return, I thank you all. I will do my best to get them out next year!
Today Richard, Mom, Pa and I did our annual trip to the Dam Visitor Center to see the eagle show. After the show we went to the local Mexican restaurant and then came home to putter about doing other things.
Phoenix, the Bald Eagle.
Aquila, the Golden Eagle.