Thursday, May 10, 2007

Nature Drive...

So after all our running around yesterday (and the nap), we went for a nature drive. For all you pet-lovers out there...we drive extremely slow because we don't want to miss a photo opportunity. No comments about not securing the dog...Richard and I ride in back, too. Top speed is about 5 miles per hour.

Echo rides the rail.

A butterfly lands on a strawberry plant.

A red-tailed hawk watches over his domain.

This turkey buzzard was in the midst of the heron nests. Only a few herons were hanging around and we couldn't get a good shot of them. Maybe another time.

Mama bald eagle brings home the bacon...

And then feeds the two babies in the nest.

Richard likes taking pictures of me...even when I look all windblown! Look at my gray hair! My kids call that my skunk stripe. LOL

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