Saturday, August 27, 2005

July 13, 2005

Bosses and Raises...
Richard got notification of his raise today! Boss and I went out today and bought a small plastic shed to keep stuff in for the drivers. I don't have to go in and babysit the goods while waiting for drivers to show up now. They can unlock the shed and get their stuff and go on! YES. Interest in the house is as strong as ever. People coming and going every day. Pa sent pictures of the work he's doing on Echo Ridge - oh, MY! He's put in the drainage pipe under the driveway, cleared the storage shed pad and compacted the soil! Plus leveled and graveled and all kinds of things I'm not quite sure about, but know are Good Things. The pictures look GREAT. He's also getting an estimate tomorrow for the concrete pour. I truly WISH I could go there to help out - even if I don't know what to do. Richard will be taking a vacation there this summer once the concrete is poured to help build the shed. I've been working on my promo stuff for the book. I've designed my bookmarks and will soon be working on my magnets. I also made some promo stuff for Sunny and Lex. Both are going to the big RWA Reno Conference and will be handing items out - including my stuff! We're all promo-ing for each other. Anyway, off to complete chores!

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